Conversion Rate Optimization
Matomo & Conversion Rate Optimization -- Watch live here:

    Conversion Rate Optimization

    Lukas (MatomoCamp) created this room.

    This is the start of export of Conversion Rate Optimization. Exported by Lukas ( at 2021/12/03.

    Topic: Matomo & Conversion Rate Optimization -- Watch live here:

  1. Lukas (MatomoCamp) joined the room
  2. Lukas (MatomoCamp) set the main address for this room to
  3. Lukas (MatomoCamp) made the room public to whoever knows the link.
  4. Lukas (MatomoCamp) made future room history visible to anyone.
  5. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the room name to Conversion Rate Optimization.
  6. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the topic to "Matomo & Conversion Rate Optimization -- Watch live here:".
  7. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Lukas
  8. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Markus
  9. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited silva.arapi
  10. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited frederic_forster
  11. Avatar
    Lukas joined the room
  12. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the power level of from Default to Admin.
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    silva.arapi joined the room
  14. Markus joined the room
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    Lukas changed the power level of from Default to Moderator.
  16. Avatar
    Lukas changed the power level of from Default to Moderator.
  17. frederic_forster joined the room
  18. Peter Boehlke joined the room
  19. markus changed their display name to Markus
  20. peterbo changed their display name to peter.boehlke
  21. peter.boehlke changed their display name to Peter Boehlke
  22. Frédéric FORSTER joined the room
  23. Jordi Isidro Llobet joined the room
  24. silva.arapi
    Hey Frédéric FORSTER are you joining?
  25. Frédéric FORSTER

    In reply to this message

    I am in the stream
  26. niklasternstedt joined the room
  27. Frédéric FORSTER

    In reply to this message

    I can't see you
  28. silva.arapi
    are you in LS 1?
  29. Frédéric FORSTER
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    Alenka Vozelj joined the room
  31. silva.arapi
    Message deleted by Lukas
  32. oliver joined the room
  33. silva.arapi
    Hi everyone, feel free to share here the questions you have for Frederic
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    Stefan Koning joined the room
  35. lrm joined the room
  36. niklasternstedt
    So in this example you did meausre clicks on the cta with events?
  37. Frédéric FORSTER

    In reply to this message

    Hi niklasternstedt. Yes indeed.
  38. Peter Boehlke
    Thank you, Frédéric!
  39. Frédéric FORSTER

    In reply to this message

    Thank you, Peter !
  40. tscott-dot joined the room
  41. corneliahohenegg joined the room
  42. niklasternstedt
    Thank you!
  43. corneliahohenegg
    thank you very much
  44. tscott-dot
    Hello. Is there a copy of your presentation available? Thanks for the session.
  45. Frédéric FORSTER

    In reply to this message

    Thank you !
  46. In reply to this message

    Yes, I am going to put it it the chat
  47. tscott-dot

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  48. Frédéric FORSTER

    In reply to this message

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    ronanchardonneau joined the room
  50. Frédéric FORSTER

    In reply to this message

    Thank you Lukas
  51. Jordi Isidro Llobet left the room