GDPR Compliance
Matomo and the masses: Do people care about GDPR-compliance? -- Watch live here:

    GDPR Compliance

    Lukas (MatomoCamp) created this room.

    This is the start of export of GDPR Compliance. Exported by Lukas ( at 2021/12/03.

    Topic: Matomo and the masses: Do people care about GDPR-compliance? -- Watch live here:

  1. Lukas (MatomoCamp) made the room public to whoever knows the link.
  2. Lukas (MatomoCamp) made future room history visible to anyone.
  3. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the room name to GDPR Compliance.
  4. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the topic to "Matomo and the masses: Do people care about GDPR-compliance? -- Watch live here:".
  5. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Lukas
  6. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Markus
  7. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited silva.arapi
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    Lukas joined the room
  9. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the power level of from Default to Admin.
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    Lukas invited christian_allner
  11. Markus joined the room
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    Lukas changed the power level of from Default to Moderator.
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    silva.arapi joined the room
  14. Avatar
    Lukas changed the power level of from Default to Moderator.
  15. Peter Boehlke joined the room
  16. markus changed their display name to Markus
  17. peterbo changed their display name to peter.boehlke
  18. peter.boehlke changed their display name to Peter Boehlke
  19. aureliepols joined the room
  20. martamedrano joined the room
  21. Mikael Jonsson (datamicke) joined the room
  22. silva.arapi
    We started the session :)
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    ronanchardonneau joined the room
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    Thomas Czernik joined the room
  25. ronanchardonneau
    Have you ever heard of German citizen suing any websites because of a misuse of a web analytics solution?
  26. Thomas Czernik

    In reply to this message

    We had a case where a competitor sued a customer because only cookie notice is displayed and yet Google Analytics was triggered
  27. ronanchardonneau

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  28. Lukas

    In reply to this message

    Not only German companies, but there is for example this project:
  29. ibu joined the room
  30. ibu
    BVDW = Bundesverband digitale Wirtschaft = Federal Association digital businesses
  31. maba4891 joined the room
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    alfonso.aponte joined the room
  33. alfonso.aponte
    How about south american countryes ?
  34. Peter Boehlke
    Thank you, Christian!
  35. aureliepols

    In reply to this message

    Mr. Breyer, which is why IP addresses are considered personal data and found their way inside the GDPR. Mr. Breyer is by the way now an EU Parliamentary
  36. aureliepols
    Message deleted
  37. aureliepols

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