Millions of Pageviews
How to manage a Matomo with millions of pageviews per month? -- Watch live at https://live.matomocamp.org/URWXGR
- Fri, Oct 29 2021
- L15:47Lukas (MatomoCamp) joined the room
- L15:47Lukas (MatomoCamp) set the main address for this room to #millions-of-pageviews:matomocamp.org.
- L15:47Lukas (MatomoCamp) made the room public to whoever knows the link.
- L15:47Lukas (MatomoCamp) made future room history visible to anyone.
- L15:47Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the room name to Millions of Pageviews.
- L15:47Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the topic to "How to manage a Matomo with millions of pageviews per month? -- Watch live at https://live.matomocamp.org/URWXGR".
- L15:47Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Lukas
- L15:47Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Markus
- L15:47Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited silva.arapi
- 15:47Lukas joined the room
- L15:47Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the power level of @lukas:lw1.at from Default to Admin.
- M17:13Markus joined the room
- 17:41Lukas changed the power level of @markus:matomocamp.org from Default to Moderator.
- 18:12silva.arapi joined the room
- 18:56Lukas changed the power level of @silva.arapi:matrix.org from Default to Moderator.
- Sat, Oct 30 2021
- 10:51Tomas Persson joined the room
- Mon, Nov 1 2021
- P13:49Peter Boehlke joined the room
- Wed, Nov 3 2021
- 13:03Lukas invited Jorge Powers
- M14:26markus changed their display name to Markus
- P14:51peterbo changed their display name to peter.boehlke
- P17:21peter.boehlke changed their display name to Peter Boehlke
- Thu, Nov 4 2021
- 08:09Jorge Powers joined the room
- 08:13tomper00 changed their display name to Tomas Persson
- 08:14Tomas Persson set a profile picture
- 09:11Jorge Carvajal Powers changed their display name to Jorge Powers
- 09:14Jorge Powers set a profile picture
- 10:32ronanchardonneau joined the room
- 10:43alfonso.aponte joined the room
- 10:44Valentin Baraise joined the room
- L10:50lrm joined the room
- M10:50maxwalter joined the room
- R10:50robertolopez joined the room
- 10:55Stefan Giehl joined the room
- S10:55saqib16 joined the room
- M10:57Mikael Jonsson (datamicke) joined the room
- N10:59niklasternstedt joined the room
- 11:00putte joined the room
- 11:00ronan_hello joined the room
- T11:00Toni Barberà Melià joined the room
- Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)M11:01I'm having problem to connect. Is it just me?
- Valentin Baraise11:01We are waiting for the speaker to be ready(edited)
- niklasternstedtN11:01Same for me
- ronanchardonneau11:01me too
- Lukas11:01The stream is intentionally not yet online
- ronanchardonneau11:01the speaker Jorge is having technical issues
- niklasternstedtN11:01It says the media could not be loaded
- saqib16S11:02same here It says the media could not be loaded
- maxwalterM11:02I also get an error message in the video player
- Lukas11:02The error message is just because we are preparing yet. The stream will start soon
- 11:02Elisa de Castro Guerra joined the room
- 11:03Marcus Österberg joined the room
- Lukas11:04It should be live now
- Valentin Baraise11:04you can refresh
- maxwalterM11:04It is working now!
- 11:04Marcus Österberg set a profile picture
- silva.arapi11:05All good now, feel free to share your questions here for Jorge
- 11:05Stefan Koning joined the room
- ronanchardonneau11:06the sound is getting better and better
- 11:06stefan_koning changed their display name to Stefan Koning
- 11:07Stefan Koning set a profile picture
- 11:09Tassoman joined the room
- Tassoman11:09Only me is buffering?
- Marcus Österberg11:09No buffering here, but sound is lagging.
- niklasternstedtN11:10No, for me as well, especcially the sound is lagging.
- Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)M11:10try to change the videoquality to lower.
- ronanchardonneau11:11so from my understanding Kubernetes has been the key to the project here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubernetes
- Lukas11:12At least for me the stream is working fine
- Å11:12Åsa Sohlén joined the room
- Tassoman11:13I'm fine now with 720p thanks!
- maxwalterM11:13Now i also got buffering issues but it works better when i lower the quality
- ronanchardonneau11:15i am getting them too, but still hearable
- niklasternstedtN
- ronanchardonneau11:16and understandable
- Lukas11:16The sound issues are unfortunately also in our conferencing tool
- Tomas Persson11:20Yes changing quality to 720 helped a lot
- Valentin Baraise11:23Thanks for contributing to OpenSource with this repo !
- ronanchardonneau11:25This question is for the speaker. Have you ever use the Matomo fake visitor plugin in order to have enough data within your Matomo data in order to make some crash test? Do you have any feedback you could give us in order to make some crash test with an empty Matomo database? the idea would be to educate ourselves about system administration. Thank you
- 11:28Morten Bjerregaard joined the room
- Valentin Baraise11:32That's a lot of load !(edited)
- robertolopezR11:35With million of page views, how big is your database ? Have you ever met issues regarding the size of your db and the archive proess?
- ronanchardonneau11:36Hi R
robertolopez nice to see you here, feel free to ask as many questions as you can to Jorge. We have until 12:00.
- Tomas Persson11:37Our biggest db is around 800 GB and yes this affects archiving
- Valentin Baraise11:37How long do you keep data for 800Gb of data?
- Marcus Österberg11:38Question to the speaker: Perhaps I missed the number of events at Skatteverket. The figures you showed were pageviews, right?
- maxwalterM11:38Is MariaDB not supported in Matomo or is it not recommended for large installations of Matomo?
- Tomas Persson11:38delete_logs_older_than setting is set to 400 days
- 11:39
Marcus Österberg: yes that was pageviews only!
- ronanchardonneau11:41Thank you Jorge for answering my question.
- Marcus Österberg11:41
In reply to this message
Interesting! I would've guessed the seasonality would be even larger around April. - Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)M11:42Have you done perfomancetesting/loadtesting be done by external company, same as webpagetesting?
- robertolopezR11:45
Jorge Powers: thank you for your answers...
- Valentin Baraise11:45Thank you !
- maxwalterM11:46
Jorge Powers: Thank you for the answer!
- Stefan Koning11:46Thanks!
- lrmL11:46Thank you!
- Morten Bjerregaard11:46Thank you!
- alfonso.aponte11:46Great session Jorge
- maxwalterM11:46Thank you for the presentation
Jorge Powers !
- Marcus Österberg11:46Thanks!
- robertolopezR11:46👍️ thank you !!
- Lukas11:47This chat room will stay open for the whole MatomoCamp. So if you still have questions to
Jorge Powers or
Tomas Persson, you can still ask them here.
- Åsa SohlénÅ11:48Thanks!
- Lukas11:48And if you want to give them feedback for the talk, you can contact them directly or post them at https://schedule.matomocamp.org/matomocamp-2021/talk/URWXGR/feedback/
- Jorge Powers
- 11:58
In reply to this message
We rotate the logs, so it's steadily around 800GB-1TB I would say. We have probably peaked at 1.3TB. - Jorge Powers12:31You can find the slides to my presentation here: https://schedule.matomocamp.org/media/matomocamp-2021/submissions/URWXGR/resources/How_to_manage_a_Matomo_with_millions_of_pag_Fj53Q37.pdf
- A12:36alteria joined the room
- Morten Bjerregaard13:47Thanks :-)
- A14:05Alexandra Girel joined the room
- A14:05Alexandra Girel left the room
- 14:58Elisa de Castro Guerra left the room
- M15:04datamicke changed their display name to Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)
Millions of Pageviews
Lukas (MatomoCamp) created this room.
This is the start of export of Millions of Pageviews. Exported by Lukas (@lukas:lw1.at) at 2021/11/29.
Topic: How to manage a Matomo with millions of pageviews per month? -- Watch live at https://live.matomocamp.org/URWXGR