Matomo Analytics Q&A -- Watch live here: https://live.matomocamp.org/8HSWJD


    Lukas (MatomoCamp) created this room.

    This is the start of export of Q&A. Exported by Lukas (@lukas:lw1.at) at 2021/12/07.

    Topic: Matomo Analytics Q&A -- Watch live here: https://live.matomocamp.org/8HSWJD

  1. Lukas (MatomoCamp) joined the room
  2. Lukas (MatomoCamp) set the main address for this room to #q-a:matomocamp.org.
  3. Lukas (MatomoCamp) made the room public to whoever knows the link.
  4. Lukas (MatomoCamp) made future room history visible to anyone.
  5. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the room name to Q&A.
  6. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the topic to "Matomo Analytics Q&A -- Watch live here: https://live.matomocamp.org/8HSWJD".
  7. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Lukas
  8. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Markus
  9. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited silva.arapi
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    Lukas joined the room
  11. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the power level of @lukas:lw1.at from Default to Admin.
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    Lukas invited ronanchardonneau
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    Lukas invited stefan_koning
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    Lukas invited Thomas Czernik
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    Lukas invited Peter Boehlke
  16. Markus joined the room
  17. Peter Boehlke joined the room
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    Lukas changed the power level of @markus:matomocamp.org from Default to Moderator.
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    Lukas changed the power level of @peterbo:matrix.org from Default to Moderator.
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    ronanchardonneau joined the room
  21. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the power level of @ronanchardonneau:matrix.org from Default to Moderator.
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    silva.arapi joined the room
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    Lukas changed the power level of @silva.arapi:matrix.org from Default to Moderator.
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    stefan_koning joined the room
  25. Peter Boehlke
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    Lukas changed the power level of @stefan_koning:matrix.org from Default to Moderator.
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    Thomas Czernik joined the room
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    Stefan Giehl joined the room
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    Stefan Giehl set a profile picture
  30. ronanchardonneau
    Message deleted by Lukas
  31. Thomas Czernik
    Message deleted by Lukas
  32. markus changed their display name to Markus
  33. peterbo changed their display name to peter.boehlke
  34. peter.boehlke changed their display name to Peter Boehlke
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    Jorge Powers joined the room
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    Stefan Koning joined the room
  37. chloe joined the room
  38. aribas joined the room
  39. lrm joined the room
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    Valentin Baraise joined the room
  41. Alexandra Girel joined the room
  42. Mikael Jonsson (datamicke) joined the room
  43. niklasternstedt joined the room
  44. bjornsoderbergh joined the room
  45. Peter Jones joined the room
  46. Sebastian joined the room
  47. Juliette Boulay joined the room
  48. Thomas joined the room
  49. Peter Jones
    Is the QA started?
  50. Valentin Baraise
    refresh if you don't see the stream
  51. ronanchardonneau
    yes, we are waiting for any questions
  52. Peter Jones
    I have a question
  53. ronanchardonneau
    Who is the privacy commissionner in Germany?
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    Alenka Vozelj joined the room
  55. ronanchardonneau
    Who is the privacy commissionner authority in the Netherlands?
  56. Peter Jones
    We can add users to the Matomo instance. I wonder if it will be possible to use groups in the future. This will be very useful when there are 100s or 1000s of users
  57. chloe
    Hello! Is there audio?
  58. ronanchardonneau

    In reply to this message

  59. Peter Jones
    I cant hear anything
  60. Valentin Baraise
    Which killer feature from GA should be included in Matomo ?
  61. Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)
    I have audio =)
  62. ronanchardonneau

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    strange maybe refresh the page
  63. Valentin Baraise

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    I'm thinking about view live 5minutes hits
  64. Sebastian
    Is there a way to check the last changes of a tag manager container from Outside the dashboard via api or script for an on premise instance
  65. Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)
    What are the the top 5 issues to solve?
  66. ronanchardonneau

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    what are the privacy commissionners saying about Matomo in Germany and in the Netherlands?
  67. Peter Jones
    Ok thanks for your replies
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    Tassoman joined the room
  69. niklasternstedt
    Exactly, secondary dimensions is a great function.
  70. Peter Jones
    e have an old Piwik instance but we are migrating to Matomo. What are your experiences of migrating Piwik data into Matomo?
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    alfonso.aponte joined the room
  72. Juliette Boulay
    Hey thanks for this chat! Is there a possibility to aggregate data directly in Matomo (number of users grouped by a certain custom variable for instance)? I'm using mostly the API and then aggregate data with python pandas..
  73. Peter Makkes joined the room
  74. ronanchardonneau
    Could you explain us the translation validation process in Matomo? Like, if I translate some tables today from English to French, when will I have a chance to see those translations within all the Matomo?
  75. Chrispy joined the room
  76. melanie joined the room
  77. Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)
    Database-speed is a big issue. Is it possible/someone who tried to use Solr or other database for quicker queries?
  78. Chrispy
    Replay-Logging does not always work for us e.g. for POST requests
  79. melanie
    we have problems aggregating certain reports (monthly reports have fewer data then daily reports in internal search report) - which actions could we take to analyse the problem?
  80. niklasternstedt

    In reply to this message

    Interesting. I'm thinkgin of doing the same. Do you have the code on github or is it quite straight forward?
  81. thinking*
  82. Peter Makkes
    Are there already ideas about integrating for example https://www.websitecarbon.com/, which measures how many impact your website has on the planet? It could be a unique selling point for potential new users.
  83. ronanchardonneau

    In reply to this message

    so as the consumption of Matomo.
  84. Peter Makkes
    For example, but also to know the impact of a file download or opening a heavy page. It can be a reason to smaller your website.
  85. aribas
    Hello all. First of all, thank you very much for such an interesting conference. From IThinkUPC side, we have one question we would like to arise; we are currently using Matomo in order to save all pages data, but would like to be able to categorise the pages based on the department (data already saved in the footer) - could you please let us know how top proceed, please?
  86. Valentin Baraise
    is it possible to set a custom time for scheduled task ? Like be able to choose exactly when they should be run ?
  87. niklasternstedt
    We have problem with our heatmaps. The scroll reach heatmaps do not show correct data. It shows that 0% is scrolling down on the page. Is the problem full memory of php or something else?
  88. Tassoman

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    we use to run them by cronjobs service in GNU/Linux. You can plan as needed
  89. Chrispy
    Thanks, is there a way to switch all requests to GET?
  90. Stefan Koning

    In reply to this message

    There is a discussion about this in the Matomo forum. You may find it here: https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo/issues/2592
  91. Valentin Baraise

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    like ./console scheduled-tasks:run ?
  92. ronanchardonneau

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    Hello, could you please precise what do you mean by in the footer?
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    Tomas Persson joined the room
  94. Valentin Baraise

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    because they are also trigger while runing core:archive isnt it ?
  95. bjornsoderbergh
    Cant we choose one language?
  96. Tassoman

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    exactly, with custom options. We have two virtual machines running cronjobs every 4h, displaced of 2hours
  97. Valentin Baraise

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    i don"t know why i didn't think about it earlier. But yes :)
  98. aribas

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    we have saved the departement in the foot section of every page
  99. Tassoman

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    we're doing this: php console core:archive --force-all-websites --url=...........
  100. Thomas Czernik

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    What do you mean? Matomo report?
  101. ronanchardonneau

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    I think this video is probably the closest to what you are looking for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taGuDpf5vMg (sorry it is hosted on YouTube)
  102. alteria joined the room
  103. tscott-dot joined the room
  104. Juliette Boulay

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    using the API is quite easy : )) but it gets messy when adding a segment to the API query.
    For instance: An event A was performed 50 times. I want to know in which location (a custom dimension), so I need to query the API for each of my location one by one..
  105. tscott-dot
    Sorry if this has already been discussed. Are there plans to introduce filtering much what exists in GA? Segements cover all visits which don't suit this purpose.
  106. ronanchardonneau

    In reply to this message

    great question
  107. Marcel Oomens joined the room
  108. Chrispy
    thanks for the tipp :-)
  109. tscott1989 changed their display name to tscott-dot
  110. Chrispy
    We use tagmanager but no heatmaps, thanks we will try the setting
  111. We sometimes have the effect that "No data" appears in our reports for certain graphics, but in the dashboard I see data and graphics for this period. What is your recommendation to analyze this?
  112. Valentin Baraise
  113. Marcel Oomens
    Message deleted
  114. Message deleted
  115. Marcel Oomens
    Sorry about that
  116. tscott-dot
    Thanks guys.
  117. alfonso.aponte
    Talking about Funnels refills... how does it is working ? if you have a funnel like this: Step 1. entry Step. 2 goes to conversion directly Step. 3 does it get refills ? Step 4 does it get refills? Step 5 Goal conversion.
  118. Marcel Oomens
    I'm looking to create an article / pageview feedback feature with immediate reader feedback as well, similar to what Rappler has at the bottom of each article (see for example https://www.rappler.com/nation/metro-manila-alert-level-2-november-5-21-2021 "How did this story make you feel" near the bottom). The data makes sense for me in Matomo, for analyses of visitor engagement, but there's also audience feedback. Could this realistically be implemented on top of Matomo / with Matomo as a data store?
  119. ronanchardonneau

    In reply to this message

    oh, interesting, please get in contact with Tomas persson he is doing a confernce at the moment. He developped a plugin just for that
  120. aribas

    In reply to this message

    it is possible to do that with custom dimensions?
  121. ronanchardonneau
    yes custom dimensions + matomo tag manager
  122. Jorge Powers
    Yes, we at Digitalist are working on a UserFeedback-plugin.
  123. Lukas
    Also if you want to learn more about Tag Manager, there is a talk about it now: https://live.matomocamp.org/GF7XD9
  124. Marcel Oomens

    In reply to this message

    Thanks, I'm not sure we talk about the same kind of feedback though. When a user says he or she "liked" an article s/he subsequently immediately sees the "results so far" . I'm currently looking into using the reporting API to get this "results so far" data for display on the front-end. Or is that too far-fetched as a use case?
  125. ronanchardonneau

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    like adding it on the back-end of a website?
  126. Jorge Powers
    I see, you could probably fetch data from Matomo, but it would probably require some backend coding in your application so you don't expose any secret tokens.
  127. Valentin Baraise
    thank you !
  128. alfonso.aponte
    Thank you for your answers!!
  129. aribas
  130. Marcel Oomens

    In reply to this message

    That makes sense. I may use a serverless function to that aim. It would also allow me to cache reporting API requests/responses for any length of time
  131. Jorge Powers
    That would be wise. So you don't get spammed.
  132. petermakkes changed their display name to Peter Makkes