Surveillance Societies
"Are we there yet? The present and future of surveillance societies." -- Watch the live stream here: https://live.matomocamp.org/WGWW8R
- Thu, Oct 28 2021
- L19:17Lukas (MatomoCamp) joined the room
- L19:17Lukas (MatomoCamp) set the main address for this room to #surveillance-societies:matomocamp.org.
- L19:17Lukas (MatomoCamp) made the room public to whoever knows the link.
- L19:17Lukas (MatomoCamp) made future room history visible to anyone.
- L19:17Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the room name to Are we there yet? The present and future of surveillance societies..
- L19:17Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the topic to "Watch the live stream here: https://live.matomocamp.org/WGWW8R".
- L19:17Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the room name from Are we there yet? The present and future of surveillance societies. to Surveillance Societies.
- L19:17Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the topic to ""Are we there yet? The present and future of surveillance societies." -- Watch the live stream here: https://live.matomocamp.org/WGWW8R".
- 19:20Lukas joined the room
- L19:20Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the power level of @lukas:lw1.at from Default to Admin.
- 19:21Lukas invited Markus
- 19:21Lukas invited Viktor
- 21:59Viktor joined the room
- Fri, Oct 29 2021
- M14:57Markus joined the room
- 14:58Lukas changed the power level of @markus:matomocamp.org from Default to Moderator.
- 15:19Lukas changed the power level of @viktor_ivpn:matrix.org from Default to Moderator.
- 15:20Lukas invited silva.arapi
- 18:12silva.arapi joined the room
- 18:57Lukas changed the power level of @silva.arapi:matrix.org from Default to Moderator.
- Mon, Nov 1 2021
- P14:05Peter Boehlke joined the room
- Wed, Nov 3 2021
- M14:26markus changed their display name to Markus
- P14:51peterbo changed their display name to peter.boehlke
- P17:21peter.boehlke changed their display name to Peter Boehlke
- Thu, Nov 4 2021
- A09:58aureliepols joined the room
- 12:59n8fr8 joined the room
- Fri, Nov 5 2021
- 10:43dynnammo joined the room
- 10:54Valentin Baraise joined the room
- 10:54Stefan Koning joined the room
- Valentin Baraise10:55Really interesting hack for the webcam !
- M10:57Mikael Jonsson (datamicke) joined the room
- 10:58ronanchardonneau joined the room
- T10:59Thomas joined the room
- 11:04alfonso.aponte joined the room
- silva.arapi11:05yes, now looks great
- ronanchardonneau11:06Life(like in health) and money are often the two big factors which are making people move. According to you how could it be possible for citizens to feel more concerned about privacy?
- ronanchardonneau11:13Do you have any proof/leak or any other source of information showing that a GAFAM can track an individual along all the websites/apps he is visiting? For example being logged to a Google account, then being able to know that this user is visiting a given website thanks to tracker within GG fonts, adsense or others?
- ronanchardonneau11:19any websites of sources of information of reference that we can refer to in order to find back the technologies you mentioned about surveillance?
- ronanchardonneau11:25Any ideas of how Pegasus got into the smartphones? was it like installing a special Android app?
- alfonso.aponte11:37How to fight crime, while protecting the integrity of people?
- 11:39because we are offering a space to be used by those who want to remain anonymous
- ronanchardonneau11:42Thank you Viktor
- Peter BoehlkeP11:44Thank you!
- Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)M11:45Thank you for a really interesting presentation.
- alfonso.aponte11:46Thank you awesome presentation !!
- Stefan Koning11:46
In reply to this message
ronanchardonneau: Google uses their GAIA ID which is the unique ID Google uses between their services.
- 11:47Thank you!
- ronanchardonneau11:47
In reply to this message
but do we have any leaks from GG employees showing a print screen of it? - 11:48like a super surveillance GA version
- Viktor
- ronanchardonneau11:49my point is that we are saying that it is possible to make it... but we don't have a proof, except a Snowden slides showing the logo of some gafam
- Viktor11:49Thanks for the kind words everyone! You can find me on Matrix as well I'm hanging out in different rooms.
- ronanchardonneau11:49but this is not a topic that I know much so that's why I am looking for some links
- Stefan Koning11:49
In reply to this message
I noticed this but am not aware of any other 'leaks': https://webintmaster.com/blog/how-to/how-to-find-the-google-id-gaia-id-of-an-email-and-the-users-google-maps-reviews-and-public-albums/(edited) - ronanchardonneau11:50great thanks
Stefan Koning
- Viktor11:50
In reply to this message
we might need to clarify what you mean Ronan as there are many different interpretation.
- Google tracking you across sites they partner with to use it for their own systems
- Google and others working together on a "supersystem" where data is shared across them
- Google IDs used by law enforcement universally without limits
- ronanchardonneau11:52all the 3 points
- 11:53sorry guys I have to go for lunch break, I will answer just after, sorry for that, great conference Viktor
- Viktor11:54I think 1. is given and well documented and can be easily verified. I can find sources is you want later. 2. i don't think there is any proof of this, but it's possible. on the other hand there is a cost benefit analysis you have to consider: sharing data means you lose some value and it creates risks. perhaps more than benefit it creates (keeping it secret, keeping it safe etc). 3. same as #2 , as you pointed out except Snowden. we can assume the big budget players (NSA etc) find ways to tap into it. BUT if there is a backdoor that is approved/built by Google I really want a whistleblower
- Viktor12:11
In reply to this message
https://privacyinternational.org (down right now, but they have really good summary sections on all this)
this is a good paper that gives an overview, I hope there will be updates: https://carnegieendowment.org/2019/09/17/global-expansion-of-ai-surveillance-pub-79847
Surveillance Societies
Lukas (MatomoCamp) created this room.
This is the start of export of Surveillance Societies. Exported by Lukas (@lukas:lw1.at) at 2021/11/15.
Topic: "Are we there yet? The present and future of surveillance societies." -- Watch the live stream here: https://live.matomocamp.org/WGWW8R