User Feedback Plugin
Introduction to the "Matomo User Feedback" plugin -- Watch live here: https://live.matomocamp.org/G98E3P
- Fri, Oct 29 2021
- L16:06Lukas (MatomoCamp) joined the room
- L16:06Lukas (MatomoCamp) set the main address for this room to #user-feedback-plugin:matomocamp.org.
- L16:06Lukas (MatomoCamp) made the room public to whoever knows the link.
- L16:06Lukas (MatomoCamp) made future room history visible to anyone.
- L16:06Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the room name to User Feedback Plugin.
- L16:06Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the topic to "Introduction to the "Matomo User Feedback" plugin -- Watch live here: https://live.matomocamp.org/G98E3P".
- L16:07Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Lukas
- L16:07Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Markus
- L16:07Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited silva.arapi
- 16:07Lukas joined the room
- M17:12Markus joined the room
- L17:43Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the power level of @lukas:lw1.at from Default to Admin.
- 17:43Lukas changed the power level of @markus:matomocamp.org from Default to Moderator.
- 18:13silva.arapi joined the room
- 18:58Lukas changed the power level of @silva.arapi:matrix.org from Default to Moderator.
- Sat, Oct 30 2021
- 10:51Tomas Persson joined the room
- Wed, Nov 3 2021
- L11:36Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the power level of @tomper00:matomocamp.org from Default to Moderator.
- M14:26markus changed their display name to Markus
- Thu, Nov 4 2021
- 08:13tomper00 changed their display name to Tomas Persson
- 08:14Tomas Persson set a profile picture
- Fri, Nov 5 2021
- 08:00alfonso.aponte joined the room
- M08:40Mikael Jonsson (datamicke) joined the room
- 08:51Thomas Czernik joined the room
- Thomas Czernik08:51Have a great second day at the matomo camp :)
- Å08:59Åsa Sohlén joined the room
- B08:59bjornsoderbergh joined the room
- bjornsoderberghB08:59No video?
- 08:59putte joined the room
- Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)M09:00Also having problems with the stream.
- M09:00maxwalter joined the room
- Lukas09:00It should be live now
- Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)M09:00Now. Update the page
- Thomas Czernik09:01Everything is ok
- 09:01Stefan Giehl joined the room
- 09:01Jorge Powers joined the room
- Jorge Powers09:01Good morning!
- T09:01Thomas joined the room
- silva.arapi09:02Good morning everyone
- Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)M09:03switch to presentationmode?
- silva.arapi09:03Feel free to share here any questions you might have for Tomas during the presentation
- N09:04nbksundhed joined the room
- nbksundhedN09:04Still having problems with stream - lagging quite a bit
- Jorge Powers09:04Can you pin the presentation?
- Thomas Czernik09:05Presentation focus whould be nice
- 09:05Stefan Koning joined the room
- Thomas Czernik09:05Stream works perfect
- Stefan Giehl
- T09:05Toni Barberà Melià joined the room
- Jorge Powers
- A09:06Anders Ahlund joined the room
- Thomas Czernik
- Jorge Powers09:06We see them, but they are small
- 09:06Better
- Lukas09:06We try to fix the weird format
- Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)M09:06perfect Tomas!
- maxwalterM09:06Now I see the presentation!
- Stefan Koning09:06Now is alright.
- 09:06Alenka Vozelj joined the room
- Anders AhlundA09:07Seems to be working now! :)
- Thomas Czernik09:07Better :)
- Jorge Powers09:07Much better
- bjornsoderberghB09:07it works
- alfonso.aponte09:07yes
- 09:07is good
- Thomas Czernik09:07Looks right on the livestream
- putte09:07Better now
- N09:09niklasternstedt joined the room
- niklasternstedtN09:13How is the accessibility of the forms?
- maxwalterM09:27I had the same problem with publishing yesterday in mtm but I reloaded the page and it was published but i have not debugged it in detail.
- Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)M09:27can you filter all who answer yes on one question?
- Stefan Giehl09:29Is it possible to use the feedback as segment. e.g. segment all reports by users that gave a good/bad rating or similar?
- niklasternstedtN09:29Can I use forms analytics to analyze how the users is using the forms or can i get the data from your plugin?
- Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)M09:29sounds great with segments and combining userstatistics with feedback answers!
- 09:31ronanchardonneau joined the room
- Stefan Giehl09:32If you need help / have questions how to implement the segmentation stuff feel free to ping me. There are a lot "undocumented" code features that can be used for that
- Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)M09:34With event tracking active you should be able to filter out a segment?
- maxwalterM09:34From experience of working with similar tools in Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, I think the extra qualitative data adds an extra dimension when analysing. So it's great that there are now similar possibilities in Matomo!
- bjornsoderberghB09:35Message deleted
- bjornsoderberghB
- Anders AhlundA09:38Looks awesome!
- E09:39evag joined the room
- Stefan Koning09:39Great initiative and plugin, thanks
Tomas Persson
- evagE09:40I need a feedback form after the 10th search result. It is possible to define a container (html element id), in which the feedback form will be inserted?
- Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)M09:44Great presentation Tomas! The best yet.
- maxwalterM09:45Great presentation! Thanks
Tomas Persson !
- Åsa SohlénÅ09:45Thanks - great presentation!
- Anders AhlundA09:45Great presentation! Thanks!
- Jorge Powers09:45👏 👏
- alfonso.aponte09:45Great presentation !!
- Tomas Persson09:46Thank you for the nice feedback! 😊
- A09:47Anders Ahlund left the room
- Tomas Persson
- Lukas
User Feedback Plugin
Lukas (MatomoCamp) created this room.
This is the start of export of User Feedback Plugin. Exported by Lukas (@lukas:lw1.at) at 2021/11/22.
Topic: Introduction to the "Matomo User Feedback" plugin -- Watch live here: https://live.matomocamp.org/G98E3P