SPA applications
Tracking SPA applications with Matomo -- Watch live here:

    SPA applications

    Lukas (MatomoCamp) created this room.

    This is the start of export of SPA applications. Exported by Lukas ( at 2021/11/22.

    Topic: Tracking SPA applications with Matomo -- Watch live here:

  1. Lukas (MatomoCamp) joined the room
  2. Lukas (MatomoCamp) set the main address for this room to
  3. Lukas (MatomoCamp) made the room public to whoever knows the link.
  4. Lukas (MatomoCamp) made future room history visible to anyone.
  5. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the room name to SPA applications.
  6. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the topic to "Tracking SPA applications with Matomo -- Watch live here:".
  7. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Lukas
  8. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited silva.arapi
  9. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Markus
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  12. Markus joined the room
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    Lukas changed the power level of from Default to Moderator.
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    silva.arapi joined the room
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    Tomas Persson joined the room
  17. Peter Boehlke joined the room
  18. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the power level of from Default to Moderator.
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  20. peterbo changed their display name to peter.boehlke
  21. peter.boehlke changed their display name to Peter Boehlke
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    tomper00 changed their display name to Tomas Persson
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    Tomas Persson set a profile picture
  24. Anders Ahlund joined the room
  25. maxwalter joined the room
  26. Mikael Jonsson (datamicke) joined the room
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    Tassoman joined the room
  28. Sebastian joined the room
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    Alenka Vozelj joined the room
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    alfonso.aponte joined the room
  31. Toni Barberà Melià joined the room
  32. Tassoman
    does tag manager capture custom-variables?
  33. Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)
    Is the SPA-event recorded as a Pageview?
  34. Sebastian
    More a general question: Where can i find the video afterwards for this session
  35. Tassoman
    to me, looks like you're pushing custom variables to tagmanager
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    ronan_hello joined the room
  37. evan-genest joined the room
  38. Sebastian
  39. Tassoman
    ok thanks
  40. Lukas

    In reply to this message

    All recordings will be published on the MatomoCamp website and shared on social media in the next weeks once it has finished editing.
  41. Sebastian

    In reply to this message

    Thx Lukas
  42. Tassoman
    thanks! tagmanager is powerful customizable
  43. Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)
    you just showed it, yes =)
  44. super awesome
  45. applause!!!!!
  46. Sebastian
  47. Tassoman
    thanks! **
  48. Tomas Persson
  49. Tassoman
    is tagmanager documented on Matomo's developers pages?
  50. Lukas
    There is also and the linked pages, but that is for developer who want to modify tag manager (create own tags, etc.)
  51. Tassoman
    you mean I can write a plugin to extend the tagmanager behaviours?
  52. Lukas
    Exactly, you can write a plugin that adds a new tag/trigger/etc.
  53. But by putting the files in a new plugin
  54. Tomas Persson
    That would be a great session for the next event! Writing a new TagManager plugin!
  55. Tassoman
  56. I'm a bit far from 4.x release haha, my fault
  57. for example I could measure editors activity inside CMS without hacking core, neither CMS or Matomo's
  58. My slides from today ☝️
  59. Tomas Persson

    In reply to this message

    Great, I added slides for my other presentations as well (Privacy, How to break Matomo and Introduction to the Matomo User Feedback_ plugin)