Matomo and US Distributors
Why Wholesale Distributors in the US should be using Matomo -- Watch live here:

    Matomo and US Distributors

    Lukas (MatomoCampBot) created this room.

    This is the start of export of Matomo and US Distributors. Exported by Lukas ( at 2023/03/26.

    Topic: Why Wholesale Distributors in the US should be using Matomo -- Watch live here:

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    Lukas (MatomoCampBot) changed the topic to "Why Wholesale Distributors in the US should be using Matomo -- Watch live here:".
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  13. Jorge Powers joined the room
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  17. Clemens joined the room
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    Peter Boehlke joined the room
  19. ronanchardonneau
    This conference is one of the few made by a speaker outside of Europe, in live, so thank you so much Dan for being available for the Matomo community today.
  20. domanistrategies joined the room
  21. domanistrategies
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    Lukas changed the power level of domanistrategies from Default to Moderator.
  23. dianafurber joined the room
  24. Peter Boehlke
    Do you have any questions for Dan? - Keep in mind, that the Live stream is lagging behind around 10 to 40 seconds, so it may take some time for us to react (at the end of the presentation).
  25. dianafurber
    So this would also be possible, for example, for a SaaS company, where people login to use their software?
  26. Evan Genest joined the room
  27. Evan Genest
    What are some examples of Custom Dimensions that I should add to a User ID?
  28. Evan Genest
    Message deleted
  29. dianafurber
    Thanks Dan :)
  30. Evan Genest
    Ah, very useful. Got it.
  31. dianafurber
    From your experience, do you think that one-person businesses (or very small online businesses) would benefit from Matomo too or would it be to overwhelming for them?
  32. Evan Genest
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    Udo Trautmann joined the room
  34. Evan Genest
    Oh, got it.
  35. dianafurber
    Thanks :)
  36. Evan Genest
    One person businesses should have someone mix a simple dashboard and then share the dashboard
  37. Peter Boehlke
    Thank you, Dan! Excellent talk!
  38. domanistrategies
    Thank you everyone