Tag Manager and Consent solutions
Tag Manager/Consent solutions -- Watch live here: https://live.matomocamp.org/EDHADW
Sat, Oct 15 2022
- 15:37Lukas (MatomoCampBot) joined the room
- 15:37Lukas (MatomoCampBot) set the main address for this room to #tag-manager-and-consent-solutions:matomocamp.org.
- 15:37Lukas (MatomoCampBot) made the room public to whoever knows the link.
- 15:37Lukas (MatomoCampBot) made future room history visible to anyone.
- 15:37Lukas (MatomoCampBot) changed the room name to Tag Manager and Consent solutions.
- 15:37Lukas (MatomoCampBot) invited Lukas
- 15:37Lukas joined the room
- 15:37Lukas (MatomoCampBot) invited ronanchardonneau
- 15:37Lukas (MatomoCampBot) invited silva.arapi
- 15:37Lukas (MatomoCampBot) changed the topic to "Tag Manager/Consent solutions -- Watch live here: https://live.matomocamp.org/EDHADW".
- 15:54Lukas (MatomoCampBot) changed the power level of Lukas from Default to Admin, ronanchardonneau from Default to Moderator, silva.arapi from Default to Moderator.
Sun, Oct 16 2022
- 18:54silva.arapi joined the room
Tue, Oct 25 2022
- 10:49ronanchardonneau joined the room
Fri, Oct 28 2022
- 20:26Lukas (MatomoCampBot) invited Clemens
- 20:34Lukas (MatomoCampBot) changed the power level of Clemens from Default to Moderator.
- C21:06Clemens joined the room
Wed, Nov 2 2022
- 17:49Peter Boehlke joined the room
Thu, Nov 3 2022
- 09:52Udo Trautmann joined the room
- 14:53Marcus Österberg joined the room
Fri, Nov 4 2022
- J08:45Johan Westin joined the room
- Marcus Österberg08:49Good morning! 🥱
- ronanchardonneau08:51
Marcus Österberg: good morning Marcus, you made me think of an idea, like creating a Matomo user group in Europe
- 08:52something like an entity to create events whatever it would be hackathon, agency/student competition etc
- N08:53njoyom joined the room
- N08:55N. Guillard joined the room
- 08:55Niklas Ternstedt joined the room
- Niklas Ternstedt08:55Good morning👋
- Marcus Österberg08:56
ronanchardonneau: that would be great! Lets continue drawing the outlines when the Matomocamp dust settles 💪
- 08:58
An open document for those interested in creating a European user group:
- ronanchardonneau08:59thx
- T08:59Thomas joined the room
- I09:00ibu joined the room
- W09:01whitespace joined the room
- Niklas Ternstedt09:02Is it just for me the stream is lagging?
- L09:03lrm joined the room
- Marcus Österberg
- Lukas09:03Also looks fine for me
- 09:03You could try the alternative streams, they have other ISPs and routing
- Niklas Ternstedt09:04Works fine for me now😊
- J09:10jurgen_thano joined the room
- 09:11Manuel Schadl joined the room
- U09:20uwe-madmen joined the room
- Niklas Ternstedt09:20Can I decide how long the cookie will be saved?
- uwe-madmenU09:21Hi - is it also possible to implement 3rd party consent tools like usercentrics or consent manager?
- D09:21dianafurber joined the room
- Udo Trautmann
- 09:24setVisitorCookieTimeout
- 09:24setReferralCookieTimeout
- 09:24setSessionCookieTimeout
- Niklas Ternstedt09:24Awesome, thanks!
- 09:27Tomas Persson joined the room
- Udo Trautmann09:28U
uwe-madmen: As far as I know there is no solution without programming. With UserCentrics you can use the Javascript events of the cookie banner and place your own code in these events.
In my opinion, this is only necessary if you need consent to track with cookies, and then without consent to track without cookies. - Tomas Persson09:30Most consent managers sets a cookie when users give consent, I usually look for that cookie and then send the conscent to matomo with _paq.push(['rememberCookieConsentGiven']);
- 09:31I actually made a patch to the TagManager a few days ago that will give you a setting to change the visitor cookie time directly in the MAtomo configuration setting.
- Marcus Österberg
- Udo Trautmann09:31
Tomas Persson where is the patch available? in a new matomo version?
- 09:32Mikael Jonsson, Statens servicecenter (Sweden) joined the room
- Niklas Ternstedt09:32And if I don't use Tag Manager you can do all of this with javascript in the Matomo-script?
- Tomas Persson09:32Hopefulle we will get in into core soon
- 09:33Yes you need to send tracker.setVisitorCookieTimeout(seconds); right before you do tracker.trackPageView();
- uwe-madmenU09:34thank you
- Mikael Jonsson, Statens servicecenter (Sweden)09:35Really good introduction on setting it up and understanding how it works. Thank you! =)
- 09:35Alfonso Aponte joined the room
- Manuel Schadl09:35Thank you! Very interesting insights!
- Marcus Österberg09:35If I remove my consent, is the previously stored data actually removed? Such as my ID and masked IP-address?
- Alfonso Aponte09:35Great presentation Johan, Thank you.
- Tomas Persson09:36Yes nice walk through!
- Marcus Österberg09:37Thanks Johan for a great talk!
- 09:38Manuel Schadl set a profile picture
- Niklas Ternstedt09:38Thank you for a nice talk!
- lrmL09:38Thanks!
- Johan WestinJ09:45I've added the presentation to the talk here if you would like to download it for later reference. https://schedule.matomocamp.org/media/matomocamp-2022/submissions/EDHADW/resources/Johan_Westin__Tagmanager_and_consent_soluti_gS7uxvU.pdf(edited)
- T09:50Tom Cz joined the room
- T09:54Tom Cz left the room
Tag Manager and Consent solutions
Lukas (MatomoCampBot) created this room.
This is the start of export of Tag Manager and Consent solutions. Exported by Lukas (@lukas:lw1.at) at 2022/11/23.
Topic: Tag Manager/Consent solutions -- Watch live here: https://live.matomocamp.org/EDHADW